How our products were born

How our products were born

In Aomori City, Japan, there is an English school that’s loved by many children.
Ms. Oyama, the English teacher at this school is the creator of the “Blue Jam”.
One day, a friend of hers gave her a gift of Thai flower tea called “Anchan”. When she saw the magnificent royal blue color of the tea after pouring in hot water, she was fascinated. It was also then that she received this inspiration that “I want to make products with this beautiful blue that will ease hard-working women’s minds”.
At first, may people told her that in general, the color blue decreases appetite and it was not a good color for food. However, Ms. Oyama had faith in her intuition about the color of the tea water, and asked for help with product development. Since she wanted to make the jam appealing to tourists so that it will be sold as Aomori souvenir, she came up with the idea of collaboration with the world-famous Aomori apples. She searched thoroughly on the internet for similar kinds of jam and found out that there were no such products on the market. Since then, Ms. Oyama kept on going back to the “Aomori Prefectural Industrial Technology Research Center” and made numerous trials. Finally, with the group of prefectural professionals’ hard efforts, she was able to develop “BLUE Apple Jam” that is beautifully blue and clear like jewelry.

Company Information

Store NameAPPLE loves BLUE
Company NameJT&Associates
Address#1-303, 3-7-4, Katsuragi, Aomori-shi, Aomori, 030-0844, JAPAN
Business Hours10 am to 5 pm (Japan Time)
CEOYuko Oyama
TEL / FAX+010-81-177-752-1755
Dealing ProductsNaturally BLUE Apple Jam from Aomori Japan, ANCHAN TEA, Concentrate